More Science Stories

US, Mexican Archaeologists Unearth Sonoran Desert’s Past and Present

Researcher says findings could touch on present-day issue of political border crossing Tohono O'odham land.

NASA Delays Telescope Launch Again

UA astronomer leads camera team that will look for early galaxies.

Scientists Want to Know: Can Table Salt Slow Global Warming?

Salt is superior to aluminum oxide to scatter heat-causing sunlight.

Drones, Robots to Take Over Biosphere 2 Saturday

UA science facility to host high-technology exhibition

Supervisors to Vote on Two New Tenants for Old Courthouse

University of Arizona and Visit Tucson may split the majority of the courthouse's square footage.

Feral Cats Make List of Invasive Species in the West

Salt Cedars, mussels and crayfish among the less cuddly pests listed.

UA Series Taps Into Exoplanet Fascination

Flandrau Science Center presentations focus on possible Earth-like worlds

Henry Koffler, Former UA President, Dies at 95

Austrian-born academic was the first UA alumnus to head the university

Heavy Rocket to Propel Chandler-Based Operation Into New Market

Private Orbital ATK moving into higher orbits, heavier satellites and, possibly, human missions.

'Where the Water Goes': David Owen Looks at the Past, Present & Future of the Colorado River

Also on Arizona Spotlight: members of Tucson's black community share and contrast their experiences; author Victor Shamas explores 'Deep Creativity'.

UA Highlighting Brain Awareness Week With Free Talk

Public lecture looks at emotional stress, chronic pain and autism.

Arizona Science Special: Humans, Data and Machines Roundtable Discussion

Joaquin Ruiz, UA Dean of the College of Science, leads a group conversation with speakers from the 2018 UA Science Lecture Series.

The Evolution of Television According to David Bianculli

Also on Arizona Spotlight: Tucson students working for political change on behalf of teachers; and artist & author Beth Surdut on mountain lions, and when the hunter becomes the hunted.

Global Telescope Array Peering Into Space for 1st Glimpse of Black Hole

UA part of Event Horizon Telescope experiment, which would provide clues to universe's origins.

The Art of Paying Attention: Mountain Lions

Author and wildlife illustrator Beth Surdut focuses on mountain lions, and how sometimes, the hunter can become the hunted.

Searching for What Turquoise Tells Us About Ourselves

Researchers look into the significance of the stone for cultures, past and present.

Selected Archive Filters

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